Can Digital Marketing As A Side Hustle Make You Rich?

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Are you willing to put in the hard work and hustle every day for 2-3 years?

If the answer is YES, then definitely you can make a good amount of capital compared to a job working for more than 15-20 years.

And if the answer is NO, then welcome to the same life you are now and forever 😜.

You can continue reading this article if you wanna make digital marketing side hustle.

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What is Digital Marketing?

In layman’s terms, Digital Marketing means promoting the product and services using different digital platforms. It can be Facebook ads, Google ads, Instagram, websites, email etc.

How To Do Digital Marketing As A Side Hustle?

It’s you who have to answer this :). I have seen many people they do after the office work and they give a maximum 1hr a day. You can do the same.

Now the question is what to learn in digital marketing to make money as a side hustle?

Digital Marketing itself is a huge industry, and there are lots of branches in it. We have website development, SEO, SEM, Email Marketing, SMM etc.

Ways To Make Money Through Digital Marketing As A Side Hustle

There are many branches to choose from as a side hustle in digital marketing. Let me introduce the main digital marketing channel.

  • Website Development – No Code is required to make static and dynamic websites. We have CMS right now, and easily we can make a website for clients. We can use WordPress to make the website. More than 35% of all website over the world is made on WordPress.
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  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization means ranking the website on the first page organically. Since it’s organic it will take up to 3-6 months to rank on the first page. For this, we need to do keyword research.
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  • SEM – Search Engine Marketing is also known as paid media marketing since we pay google to rank on the first page. We can identify this page by looking side of the page title in the search engine (AD or Sponsered).
  • SMM – Social Media Marketing as the name mentioned, here we use different social media platforms to connect with the customer. It can be Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Linkdln etc. 
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  • Email Marketing – This is the process where we collect the emails of the customer by various strategies and send them an email about our product and services through drip sequence or email automation.
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  • Blogging – We write the article for the product or services or it can be anything related to the business for the client or ourselves and through Google AdSense, we can generate the income from it.
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  • Affiliate Marketing – We need to promote the other’s product and in return, we get 30-80% commission for each product we sell.

How Much We Can Earn Through This?

From the list above there is two option, we can work in a job or do as a freelancing/strat an agency.

  • For Website developers, the average salary will be 2 lakh per year for starters, and those who are having 2-3 years of experience can earn 3-5 Lakh per year.
  • For SEO (Search Engine Marketing) average salary will be 1.7 lakh per annum for those who have less than 1-year experience. Those who have more than 5-years of experience can earn 5 Lakh per anum and more than a this if it’s a big company.
  • For SMM (Social Media Marketing) the average salary will be 2.5 lakh per annum who has with less than 1-year of experience. And can earn up to 6.8 lakh per annum who has more than 5-years of experience.
  • For SEM (Social Engine Marketing) the average salary is 2.8 Lakh per annum for those who have less than 1-year experience. Can earn up to 9 lakh per annum who has more than 5-9 years experience.

Email Marketing, Blogging, and Affiliate marketing are all interrelated with each other. And all this can be categorised in the above ways as well.

Through Blogging, people can earn lots of money however, this required consistent effort to build the content. Bloggers are earning easily 300$ – 400$ per month and it can go up anywhere.

Email marketing is a technique to collect the email of the customer through various means and nurture those leads and pitch them our products and services. And this marketing has proved that we can get repeat and loyal customers for a lifetime. Big players always prefer to get an email from the customer rather than huge followers on social media. We don’t have control over social media. One day all the followers become zero or get banned then we don’t have any other income source so building an email list is a must for every business.

Affiliate Marketing is easy and hard. This means over here we don’t need to have our product to sell to the customer. Instead, we can sell the products of the other people and earn huge commissions from it. Through Affiliate marketing, people can make easily 1000$ per month and it can go up anywhere. 

There are lots of techniques and strategies to promote the products. I will share the details of affiliate marketing in another article.


It depends upon the person how he/she gonna take Digital Marketing. We can make it a side hustle or make them part of the job. For me, we can do the job and simultaneously do a side hustle, making our brand and monetizing this brand in future. 

But no doubt we need to put all of the efforts into this. Don’t fall for the gurus who say it’s easy to make money in digital marketing. Always learn and implement digital marketing.

And also we need to invest financially to learn this. At first in some cases you can start free and when you start earning you can invest in advanced tools. Nothing comes free. 🙂

If someone wants to earn from the stock market then you can read this article to read the pattern.

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